February 25, 2023
The heaviest penalty for declining to rule is to be ruled by someone inferior to yourself - Plato.
Popularity Isn’t A Metric To Rule.
People living in Nigeria aren't experiencing the country the same way.
The election period is a time that sets people further apart rather than bringing them closer.
The sad reality of being a regular Nigerian (without connections, power, or financial resources) is, on a daily basis, we are faced with worse hardship. It gets sadder. Nigerians have built a coping mechanism, resistance, and adaptive ability to the worst and ugliest of scenarios and we just smile and move on.
When there's no strength to smile, people move on regardless.
The truth is, and this isn't partisan related. It's just the plain and simple truth. In the past years, the average Nigerian has had to suffer increasing and manage just to get by the day. Basic amenities aren't basic anymore. The standard of living has gone through the roof. Some people don’t even have a roof anymore.
Politicians promise a better life, but they never specify who benefits from that “better life”. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poor. Actually, the rich are getting richer, and the middle-class is joining the poorer. Why? Simple arithmetic. The country, the economy isn't working. There's no production, no exportation, human capital is emigrating, human resources are depleting, the country isn't safe, the country's PR in the international space isn't glamorous, our country's representatives are doing a terrible job and the few people we have representing us and doing us proudly are doing so on their own terms.
It is truly a sad moment for us as Nigerians when we think back to our history and how far we have gone to be where we are today. Simply because of our lackadaisical attitude and not caring enough for the other person, we have allowed people who don't have the best interest of the country to take charge of the affairs and run the country into the ground. AT THE EXPENSE OF NIGERIANS.
The election is a few days away.
People will vote for who they want to vote for.
There's nothing you can do about that. While you might have suffered at the hands of the current government, some benefitted from it and they were generous to extend the benefits to others. Those people will vote for them.
What you need to do as a tired Nigerian, is to channel your energy and anger into reaching out to as many people who are just like you, who didn't benefit from the government and are equally tired of the way things are happening and being run and instead, maybe even just as desperately as they need air, want things to change in the country. Not everyone will have access to this write-up, and not everyone will know the things you know, but so many other people have access and the right to vote. But might not be guided properly. Within the next few days, abandon the thought of fighting the current government or a candidate you don't support, and focus all your energy on getting the candidate that you support into office. Elections are won through only one channel, and that channel is being firmed up by people. Get as many people on your side, or on the side you think will lead Nigeria into a different and maybe vibrant future.
Do you want to win this election? Come out and get people to vote. That's it. Nothing else matters.
Politeness is the first thing people lose once they get power.
- Amit Kalantri.
Look through all the candidates and think of the person that will be power-drunk and hold on to power for their dear life. When power gets into that candidate’s hands, how will the country fare? When you have your answer, that’s the person you shouldn’t vote for.
In all of this, vote your conscience.
I definitely picked something new reading this..
Nice one adekunke,, u hv said it all💯💯